Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Our story

I was thinking a lot of people might be wondering what brought us to the decision to adopt. The whole thing started about 4.5 years ago when we decided to have a child. Like most couples we didn't think it would take too long, a few months at most. Well, it didn't happen in a year so we were sent to see one specialist, and then another, and then another. We finally realized, after another year that the only way we would be able to have a child was if we tried in-vitro fertilization. We figured we had to try at least once. Well, in 2004 we went through a round of IVF. Our first cycle ended in a negative. Talk about heart breaking, at this point in our lives everyone around us was either pregnant or had already had their child. Some were already working on #2 and here we were praying for #1. We still had frozen embryos so we tried again in November 2004. After two weeks of thinking it didn't work again we got our miracle, we were pregnant. For those few weeks we were on pins and needles but nothing anybody could say could bring us down until January 17, 2005 when our doctor told us that our baby's heartbeat was gone. We were both distraught for weeks. But we picked up the pieces as we still had a few more embryos, we figured we'd try again. In July 2005 we tried again and ended in a chemical pregnancy, meaning the baby started to take but for some reason didn't. And that was it, those were all our embryos. Some asked if we would try again but I really had no further interest in putting my body through something like that again for a 25% chance of possibly having a successful pregnancy.

After I finally got over being ticked off with the world and a lot of soul searching I realized I don't have to be pregnant in order to be a mom. Shawn had always been open to adoption so for him it wasn't even a second thought.

And here we are, our homestudy is done (except it has to be written), all our paperwork is pretty much done and hopefully in just over a year we'll have our baby in our arms.


Sugar Cookies And Hope said...
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Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Congratulations on your decision to adopt! My husband and I have been through almost exactly what you described in your post (i.e., IVF, infertility heartbreaks, etc.) and are also using Children's Bridge to adopt a daughter from China. Currently, our Dossier is at the Canadian Ministry of Child and Youth Services and we're hoping to be approved in July so that we can finally sent it to China and be logged in. We are hoping for a referral sometime in late summer 2007 or early winter at the latest, but timelines seem to be getting longer and longer. If you would like to correspond, our e-mail is kathyandjoel2005@hotmail.com.