The past couple of days have been a bit on the stressful side, just some family stuff going on that has been taking it's toll on me. I came home this afternoon ready to take a long nap to catch up on some long lost sleep. That plan went completely out the window.
I opened my email and saw a notice from my F@cebook group for Nov/Dec LIDs. An announcement was made that referrals have been made up to December 6th. Our LID is December 6. The air went out of my lungs as I read, then re-read that. I promptly went on to RQ and even though she has all but abandoned the site, the forum is still kicking and sure enough there was an announcement there as well. To say I am freaking out is an understatement. I am FrEaKiNg OuT! We weren't expecting a referral for another few weeks, especially since the last referrals were made just last week. This has caught us completely off guard. You would think that after 7.5 years we would be ready for this but nope.
The next couple of weeks should be...interesting.
OMG-That is amazing news!! So excited for you--it gets even better. Can't wait to see your next post! Enjoy all these precious moments-You have earned them!
Freaking out with you! Such fantastic news!
Oh my goodness! I will be stalking your site to see your pic of your little one! So exciting!
Soon!!! What a wonderful. Exciting email to come home to!! Talk about a great surprise!! Cannot wait to see your sweet be h's face and learn all about her (or him!).
Oh My Word!! It is such an exciting time!
Keep smilin!
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